Bayonne High School Theatre & Performance 1 & 2 & 3
Course Syllabus 2024-2025
Teacher: Mr. Wahlers Room 6-250
Email: [email protected]
Course Description: This year-long, activity-oriented course is designed to introduce/expand students to the art of the theatre and acting.
Students Will:
- Study Basic Principles of Acting in monologue and scene work
- Study Character Analysis
- Explore the use of Objectives, Obstacles & Tactics
- Learn Basic Stage and Rehearsal Terms
- Learn about Theatre Etiquette and The Audition Process
- View and critique Bayonne High School Drama and Professional Theatre
4 Rules and Expectations
- Theatre is the most collaborative and vulnerable of the art forms.
- Respect and sensitivity to the ideas, opinions, and property of classmates is essential.
- Think before you act and treat others with kindness and consideration.
- Use appropriate language: Absolutely NO swearing, name calling, or physical abuse of any kind will be tolerated.
- No food or drink allowed in the classroom. (water is okay)
- Do Not write on or deface desks or any classroom property and report all acts of vandalism to Mr. Wahlers
- Clean your workspace before leaving. Return chairs to appropriate location.
- Dress appropriately. Follow the BHS Uniform Dress Code. The “B” must visible and ID’s must be worn around the neck. NO hats.
- The classroom is a community that is dependent on the respect, participation and enthusiasm of each member for success of the whole.
- Take responsibility for your work and your actions
- Report to class with all required materials.
- Homework assignments are due on assigned dates.
- Late work will lose a potential grade every day they are late. ( Example: an “A” paper submitted 1 day late= a “B” paper or 10 pts off)
- All other late work is accepted for a maximum of half credit.
- Be prepared to work when the bell rings.
- As per BHS Policy, 4 CUTS = WN (Withdrawal NO CREDIT).
- You must work inside and outside the class in order to be completely successful in this course.
- Accept assignments without complaint and always do your best.
- Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. Any form of plagiarism or cheating on any assignment, quiz, test or project will result in an immediate “F”, a parent conference, referral to student’s Vice-Principal, and possible dismissal from class.
- The more you put into this class the more you will get out of it.
- This class is designed to reward hardworking students, not “talented” students.
-Cell phones should not be visible during class.
-Students observed using cell phones will be given (1) warning in the class period for unauthorized cell phone use…after that the student will be punished according to BHS STUDENT HANDBOOK Guidelines.
1) CLASSWORK/PARTICIPATION 60% (see rubric below)
Attendance is MANDATORY and promptness is expected at all times. Your grade will suffer for each absence. This is and interactive class. The more each student puts into the class, the more we will all get out of it.
Students earn points for:
- Postive Cooperation
- Willingness to Try, Ask Questions, and Volunteer.
Students lose points for:
- Disrespectful Behavior
- Being Unprepared
A = Exceedingly high quality and original work. Takes initiative and contributes beyond what is required.
B = Consistently good and interesting work. Participates often in class.
C = Satisfactory and complete work. Shows interest in class.
D= Minimum effort. Seldom responds in class.
F = Unacceptable work.
2) Homework/Assignments 15%
Written work is graded on the clarity of the work, format, grammar, spelling, and mechanics count.
STUDENTS ARE NEVER GRADED ON “TALENT”. A performance rubric in used to grade performances.
Students Will:
- Participate in daily exercises, theatre games, projects and workshops.
- Choose, rehearse and present a monologue and scene work when teacher assigns them.
- Create a “Preparation” sheet for monologue/scenework provided by teacher.
Test and quizzes are given to evaluate a student’s understanding of Theatre Terms, Vocabulary, History and monologue/scenework memorization.
4)4) THEATRE CRITIQUE (S) – (60% of 4th MP Grade)
Students must write 2 critical theatre reviews/evaluations per year.
Two (2) evaluations MUST based on BHS play productions presented during the school year... OR... A professional theatre company show is fine.
Students will be provided the opportunity to attend at least one professional theatre production Off Campus as a field trip. Information will be given in class.kld
***Shows produced by a children’s theatre company or church are not acceptable for this assignment.***
Reviews are assessed for their content and articulation. (An outline of proper form will be supplied by the teacher.)
Opportunity to view professional productions will be given in the form of school trips.
Reviews are due within two (2) weeks of viewing.
NOTE: The teacher is available to help students find cost effective ways to see shows. Extra discounted tickets will be offered to Mr. Wahlers students for BHS Drama Society Productions.
“Every day is an Audition”
Bayonne High School Acting Performance Rubric
Respect |
Creativity |
Homework |
Performance |
4 |
A |
Respect their fellow students and instructor throughout the project. |
Make a choice that is clear, meaningful and thoughtful manner. |
Complete homework in a precise manner by memorizing their text or music. |
Perform in an organized, consistent, and varied manner with only 1-2 mistakes. |
3 |
B |
Respect their fellow students and instructor throughout the project. |
Make a responsive choice. |
Complete homework in a general manner by memorizing their text. |
Complete some homework. |
2 |
C |
Respect their fellow students and instructor throughout the project. |
Make a related, predictable choice. |
Complete some homework. |
Perform most of the project in an inconsistent manner with few mistakes. |
1 |
D |
Respect their fellow students and instructor throughout the project. |
Make a weak or unclear choice. |
Complete a limited amount of homework. |
Perform some of the project in an unorganized manner with some mistakes. |
1 |
F |
Respect their fellow students and instructor throughout the project. |
Make no clear choice. |
No apparent homework has been done. |
Perform part of the project with mistakes. |
0 |
0 |
No Respect |
No Choice |
No Homework |
No Performance given |