Dear Parents/Guardians,
Hello, my name is Elizabeth Maher and I will be your student’s Physical Education teacher this school year. I am looking forward to providing your child with an exciting and rewarding Physical Education program. The P. E. classes will prove to be an integral phase in their physical and social development. The aim of the Adapted Physical Education program at Bayonne High School is to develop and improve students’ personal fitness and motor skills by providing developmentally appropriate activities through purposeful, creative and enjoyable instruction.
Physical Education class will be five days a week. Every child is expected to participate to the best of their ability each day they attend class. There are days however, when illness or injury may inhibit your child’s ability to participate. If so, please send a note with your child, with a brief description regarding the nature of the restriction. If the condition restricts activity for more than 5 consecutive days, a doctor’s note will be required. If you would like to send me the note via email, please email me at [email protected]. Your child’s safety is my number one concern and for that reason, I ask that they wear sneakers for every Physical Education class. Shoes with heels, boots or sandals (such as crocs) make it difficult for children to participate safely. We strongly encourage students to wear socks with their shoes.
Each class will have a small group of general education students from our Unified Physical Education program that will be participating and working with our Adapted Physical Education students. Unified Physical Education provides a unique opportunity for students with and without disabilities to come together through ongoing educational and physical activities. The Unified Physical Education course is structured around the National Physical Education Standards and grade-level outcomes, which include gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain a health-enhancing level of fitness. Additionally, the class supports the development of leadership skills for all students, and the empowerment of ALL students to foster an inclusive class and school-wide environment. Unified Physical Education courses can be a gateway for further participation in Special Olympics Programs and events. This program has been a great success The general education students who have participated in this program have found it not only rewarding but they have built relationships and friendships with the students they work with along the way.
This information will also be found on my Oncourse website along with other important resources. I look forward to working with your students this school year. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Sincerely, Elizabeth Maher