Mrs. Lavery's Website 2022 - 2023
Biology and AP Biology
Welcome Back!!
Schoology K-12:
Student Access Schoology by visiting the website:
Login Credentials for both your student Chromebook and Schoology are your Student First Name followed by Student Last Name followed by last two digits of your senior graduation year and followed by
(Example [email protected]) Your password is bboed followed by your student ID number (NO SPACES)
username (example): [email protected]
password (example): bboed123456 (No SPACES)
More information about Schoology and other online resources can be found on the Student tab of the BBOED Website at:
For Homework, Events, and Assignments:
The 'Homework & Events' link should be checked daily,
especially if you missed class (absent or excused).
This website should be used as a reference ...
always pay attention in class
and check the homework board in the classroom.
Supplies Needed for Class Daily:
Binder, paper, pen, pencil,
colored pencils, and highlighters
Grades are Based on the Following Percentages:
70% Tests, Quizzes, Projects, and District Assessments (DA)*
20% Labs and Class Work
10% Homework
(*District Assessments will be given at the end of each marking period. They will be cumulative.)
The DA will include chapters/vocabulary/topics covered during the marking period.
All 4 MP exams will be averaged into your overall grade for the year!!)
General Biology: Biology by Miller and Levine (Hardcover and online)
AP Biology: Biology by Mader and Windelspecht (Hardcover)
Supplemental Material will be distributed in class as well.
While you are encouraged to work together, you are responsible for your own work and assignment that will be turned in. Students that have copied someone's work, will receive a ZERO on that assignment or test.
Students without Internet Access or a Printer at Home?
No problem!
The school library in House 2 has computers AND printers.
The library is open/available periods 0, 4, 5, and 6.
There are also a limited number of extra textbooks that can be 'checked-out'/borrowed.
Biology tutoring is available 0 period every morning
From 7:55 to 8:30
YOU are responsible for YOUR work...
Be SURE to turn in any old/missing homework.