Welcome Parents, Guardians, and Students:
This year the Bayonne Board of Education will continue to use schoology for our online instruction.
Students access Schoology by visiting the website: bboed.schoology.com
Login Credentials for both a student Chromebook and Schoology are a student's First Name, Last Name, and the last two digits of your graduation year, followed by @students.bboed.org.
The password is bboed followed by the student ID number (NO SPACES)
Example username: [email protected]
Example password: bboed123456
More information about Schoology and other online resources can be found on the Student tab of the BBoEd website at bboed.org
I look forward to working with you this year as I strive to ensure that all students have a solid foundation in basic chemistry principles and further develop their critical thinking skills.
My class rules and expectations can be accessed from the listings on the left hand side of the homepage.
Dr. Andrea Resetar