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Welcome Parents, Guardians, and Students:



Course Objectives 


1. Learn different styles of writing and create original and creative compositions. 


2. Improve vocabulary. 


3. Recognize different writing styles in literature. 


4. Determine literary elements in literature. 


5. Demonstrate listening skills during lecture and within cooperative learning groups. 


6. Examine written, oral, and visual presentations. 


7. Identify main ideas within a given text. 


8. Demonstrate proficiency in all steps of the research process. 







If you are absent on a test/quiz day or have any other mitigating circumstances that do not allow you to turn in your work on the given due date, please email me and schedule a time to make up the work. Any work that is not handed in will count as a 0. 





Tests, Essays & Projects: 60% 


Quizzes: 20%


Classwork & Homework: 20% 


*TEN points will be deducted from any late assignments. 


*You have exactly ONE WEEK to make up your work.



Simply handing in an assignment does not automatically give you an A. In order to receive full credit for any and all coursework, students must follow ALL directions and answer all questions to the given assignment. PLAGIARISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Any student caught plagiarizing any class work, homework; essays, etc. will receive a zero for that assignment and both the student’s guidance counselor and parent will be contacted about this issue.