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Welcome to the

Kennesaw Learning Commons!!


Kennesaw Elementary wants to encourage students to keep reading all summer long! The Cobb County School District Library Media Education Department is partnering again with Cobb and Smyrna Public Libraries for our Summer Reading Challenge 2022. The student challenge is to read 20 minutes each day and at least 10 hours this summer. Students earn digital badges by logging reading in Beanstack, our year-round reading engagement platform – it's like a “fitbit for reading!”  Students will use their Student Number as their username and their birthday MMDD for the password.  The same as how they log in to the computers at school.

Click on the link below for more information

 Summer Reading Letter 2022.pdf 



All Library books are Now Due!!






Don't forget to keep using the Cobb Digital Library!!


Cobb Digital Library


Formerly known as Cobb Virtual Library, includes Destiny (library catalog), databases, and eBooks.
Student login:  [email protected] / computer password
Teacher login:  email / computer password




Making the Connection: 

 The more often students receive integrated information literacy instruction in which media staff are involved, the higher their test scores.


Our Kennesaw"General" Mission: Provide every student with the foundation to love, learn and lead.


Our Kennesaw "General" Vision: Empowering and Engaging  Young Thinkers.


Our Kennesaw"Media Center" Mission:  To serve as the information center of the school and actively promote the love of reading.