District administrators using the OnCourse SIS can now utilize a new communication channel: OnCourse Chat Support.
School districts using the OnCourse Student Information System have long enjoyed a service that is rare among SIS vendors: support for all district users. This support-for-all approach has consistently ranked among OnCourse’s most popular offerings.
During the pandemic period of 2020-2022 when districts were under extreme pressure, OnCourse responded with permanent support enhancements, including:
- Doubling the number of available support representatives
- Expanding hours of operation to provide more coverage during the school day
- Continuing to offer year-round support on weekdays, weekends, and holidays
Despite schools grappling with new federal/state complexity and high staff turnover (resulting in a 350% increase to normal support volume!) data showed that these steps sped up resolutions considerably.
We continued to study your feedback to understand how we can create satisfying resolutions faster. The result: the introduction of OnCourse Chat Support for district-level administrators.
Why OnCourse Chat Support?
Think about the process of calling your credit card company for help. There are many annoying parts of the process: waiting on hold, listening for phone tree prompts, reading off your credit card number to be authenticated, being routed to different departments. Alternatively, consider calling an auto mechanic and how difficult it can be to describe an issue over the phone.
We all want vendors that know who we are; to understand and resolve our issues quickly. This is why we are so excited about OnCourse Chat Support, which avoids the annoyances above by:
Connecting you with a live person on your first attempt, when you need us most.
- Matching you with the proper person, best suited to assist you.
- Speeding up the diagnosis and resolution of issues.
It’s important to note that this new offering connects you to an actual OnCourse specialist, not a contracted call center.
When you initiate a chat in OnCourse, your identity is automatically authenticated and you are matched to the best agent from the start, based on your question. Our agents can easily launch additional time-saving tools, such as live screen sharing, which help us guide you to a solution as fast as possible.
FAQ’s about OnCourse Chat Support
Who can use OnCourse Chat Support?
To start 2022-2023, OnCourse Chat Support will only be available to district-level administrators. These users are the top of the escalation food-chain and require the highest level of responsiveness.
What about emergencies or bigger conversations, will I still have someone to call?
Yes. OnCourse has also added a new team of District Success Specialists who are available to key district staff. These OnCourse team members are available by phone to manage time-sensitive or high-impact issues. They can also coordinate trainings, visit the district to share new features, and host regional user groups.
If you haven’t met your District Success Specialist yet, expect an introduction this summer!
What about the rest of my staff who don’t have access to Chat Support or Success Specialists?
All staff members can continue to use OnCourse Support by submitting a ticket as usual. To help your staff get a resolution faster, they have a new ability to attach a screen/voice recording to their tickets using an integrated, browser-based application (no downloads/installation required).

This saves them from having to type out long messages and allows us to immediately grasp the issue to get started on a solution right away.
Tell Us What You Think!
Thank you in advance for trying this new channel. Early pilot results have been very exciting, however, we know it takes time to adjust to a new channel.
Whether your love or hate this feature, please tell us so by responding to your post-support feedback survey. We diligently review this feedback to continue improving your experience with OnCourse!